I am excited i am going to give the Couture Fashion a try a different side of my creative mind, it is slowly revealing itself . There is much work to be done but then again it’s the highlight of my day to work my patooties off and then sit back and enjoy what i have created of course up until now i have been doing all of this on my own from networking to emails phone calls etc. and it’s very time consuming . Thank goodness i have found a few people i can count on to be of assistance with my shoots and my work .

I find that my ideas just pop out of no where there are so many that i have not done , I know one of the shoots i did took a few years not the planning it self but i finally found the right person for the background that i wanted . Everything was perfect here is the image  The colors, the lines the architecture of the building that is one sexy building . The model is very creative and can hold a pose like you wouldn’t believe.  Go Issac !


Tasha B


Im in love with this image 🙂 it was a super hot day this was the last shot of the day ,i adore it great job tasha she is very creative and has tons of ideas and soon to be the official assistant of Royaleimage.net !tashab

Just so happens a model contacted me a few days ago with some wonderful ideas . She adores the color blue so we are planning white dress and the flowers maybe some balloons to make it a fun shoot .

The flowers she wants to do the theme with are cornflowers this is the first time i have ever heard of them and they are a beautiful blue .

I’m thinking we could take some shots laying on the grass with the cornflowers all around  her …let me  not give all the good ideas away i will post up the images the day of the shoot .

Note the image of the cornflower was not taken by me .

My personal favs


These images are those that i keep stored on my pc never got a chance to put them on my site . I have tons of images from every photoshoot .

I have just come to realize that my work is like a getaway and it should also be that way for the models i have worked with . One because of the fact that i am so easy to work with and i try to make the time i spend with each client an enjoyable one .Whether they are models or not photo sessions give a a sense of relaxation . A time where you can be yourself in front of the camera a smile here a glance there .

I always have tons of fun at the shoots each and everyone of the people i work with have a unique way of inspiring me in some way or another.

Memories not only captured in the images but different personalities inspire me to create , sometimes in the middle of a planned photoshoot i get these ideas that are just so perfect for the moment . Could be the colors of the location that go perfectly with every thing the model is wearing .

to be continued ..